KTU OOP LAB JAVA CSL 203 Scheme and Evaluation

Preamble: The aim of the course is to provide hands-on experience to the learners on various object oriented concepts in Java Programming. This course helps the learners to enhance the capability to design and implement various Java applications for real world problems.

Prerequisite: Topics covered under the course Programming in C (EST 102)

Course Outcomes:

At the end of the course, the student should be able to

CO1:Implement the Object Oriented concepts - constructors, inheritance, method overloading & overriding and polymorphism in Java (Cognitive Knowledge Level:Apply)

CO2:Implement programs in Java which use datatypes, operators, control statements, built in packages & interfaces, Input/Output streams and Files (Cognitive Knowledge Level: Apply)

CO3:Implement robust application programs in Java using exception handling (Cognitive Knowledge Level: Apply)

CO4 :Implement application programs in Java using multithreading and database connectivity (Cognitive Knowledge Level: Apply)

CO5:Implement Graphical User Interface based application programs by utilizing event handling features and Swing in Java (Cognitive Knowledge Level: Apply)

Mark Distribution

Total Marks     CIE Marks     ESE Marks     ESE Duration

150                     75                     75                     3 hours

Continuous Internal Evaluation Pattern:

Attendance : 15 marks

Continuous Evaluation in Lab : 30 marks

Continuous Assessment Test : 15 marks

Viva-voce : 15 marks

Internal Examination Pattern: The marks will be distributed as Algorithm 30 marks, Program 20 marks, Output 20 marks and Viva 30 marks. Total 100 marks which will be converted out of 15 while calculating Internal Evaluation marks.

End Semester Examination Pattern: The marks will be distributed as Algorithm 30 marks, Program 20 marks, Output 20 marks and Viva 30 marks. Total 100 marks will be converted out of 75 for End Semester Examination.

Operating System to Use in Lab : Linux

Compiler/Software to Use in Lab : gcc, javac, jdk, jre, Eclipse, NetBeans,

MySQL / PostgreSQL.

Programming Language to Use in Lab : Java

Fair Lab Record:

All Students attending the Object Oriented Programming Lab (in Java) should have a Fair Record. The fair record should be produced in the University Lab Examination. Every experiment conducted in the lab should be noted in the fair record. For every experiment in the fair record the right hand page should contain Experiment Heading, Experiment Number, Date of Experiment, Aim of Experiment, Operations Performed, Details of Experiment including algorithm and Result of Experiment. The left hand page should contain a print out of the code used for the experiment and sample output obtained for a set of input.


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